
Sunday 5 May 2013

Being grateful & thankful

There's thousand and one things I have to be thankful and grateful for. And I would like to share just one each today.

Picture taken from Man, Wife & Dog

Firstly, I'm grateful to my Mummy J & Daddy Teh for giving me the chance to pursue my dreams. Without their understanding and support, I wouldn't have the chance to be here, because I am, after all...a newly wed - Ben has got to be the best supportive hubby ever for allowing his wife to study abroad less than a year since they've gotten married. *Huge grin*

Secondly, I'm thankful for the chance to meet friends from outside of Singapore, and they have shown me just how big this world is. Learning more about their way of life, cultures and no matter how corrupted their countries is, they still have much love and appreciate the beauty and rich history in that very same countries.

When I think about how all of us managed to bond, I'm touched and my heart did a little fluttery dance - because we all came from different places, united by one love for baking and, eating. HAHA!

Till then!

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